Happy February to all our followers, customers and supporters! How was your January, as long as ours? The first month of a new year can often be filled with hopes, aspirations, goals and resolutions but this year didn’t quite get off to the start we all hoped for, did it? Despite February being the shortest month of the year, we’re looking forward to brighter evenings, bulbs appearing, sunshine creeping through and of course Valentine’s Day. As a time to celebrate and indulge the one we love in our lives, Valentine’s Day can often take the spotlight off loving and caring for ourselves. As self-indulgent and cliché as it is, we all need some me-time, probably more than ever before. With many of us juggling our work with home-schooling and all the joys, terrors and guilt that entails; many of us are finding it more difficult to find some much-needed time alone to relax and recharge.
Below we share with you our top tips for bringing self-love and care back into your life, to help you navigate through the month of February and beyond.
Whether it’s taking some time to enjoy a hobby you love; running yourself a bath for a long soak on a Sunday evening or even pouring yourself a warm cup of tea, taking time for ourselves is important to not only relax but also to check in with ourselves. How are we feeling? We can often spend time worrying about others, particularly family or friends, but how often do we actually ask ourselves, probably not enough is the answer to that one. Acknowledging our emotions, however extreme or subtle they are, can help us to recognise disruptions and changes to our mood. Being in tune with our own minds and bodies can often be very beneficial, particularly for our mental health. We have the perfect accompaniment for your me-time: our Elevenses blog. Take 5 minutes away and absorb yourself in our weekly blog where we discuss fashion, lifestyle as well as our top styling tips with Sally’s Edit.
The unprecedented power of fresh air has long been known for ‘blowing the cobwebs away’, and boy, we all have a lot of cobwebs at the minute! Feeling the wind in your hair and on your face, however cold it might be at the moment, is great for resetting our minds and thoughts. Many of us are enjoying taking daily walks to stretch our legs as our time continues to be spent at home. Getting some fresh air in lunch breaks, if you’re working from home, can also be beneficial to help us return to our desks with a clear mind ahead of the afternoon. Here at Eleven, we have exactly what you need for your walks to not only keep you warm and cosy but also effortlessly stylish.
There is no doubt, we’ve been through a lot this past year, and all our feelings are completely valid. With our minds constantly missing friends and family as well as reminiscing about when times were ‘normal’, many of us have been guilty of ‘doom-scrolling’ and we’ve all faced the ‘corona-coaster’ at some point. Enjoying the little joys of each day can help us to gain clarity and optimism for times ahead. Here at Eleven, we are proud to stock Joma Jewellery who create the daintiest of bracelets and jewellery, complete with empowering and heartfelt messages. Treat yourself to one to remind yourself each day, or perhaps send a little pick-me-up to a deserving friend.
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